Details of U.S. Customs assessed Processing Fees
In addition to duty and possible excise tax, goods imported into the United States are subject to user fees. The user fee and amount collected by CBP depends on the type of entry and mode of transportation used to bring the goods into the United States. For instance, formal and informal entries are subject to a Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF).
The MPF for formal entries is an ad valorem fee of 0.3464 %. The maximum amount of the fee shall not exceed $485 and shall not be less than $25. The fee is based on the value of the merchandise being imported, not including duty, freight, and insurance charges. MPF for informal entries (i.e. goods imported via mail etc.) is a set fee and ranges from $5.00 to $9.00 per shipment.
If the mode of transportation is via ship a Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF) is collected by CBP. HMF is .125 % of the value of the commercial cargo shipped through identified ports. HMF is not collected on cargo imported or transported via air or mailed. However, goods that are shipped via ocean are subject to both MPF and HMF.